Whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, executive in a large corporation, SMEs, Startup or a non-profit organization. Digital Transformation Canvas will help you ...

  • Learn and understand what Digital Transformation is and how it can help your organization generate new growth.

  • How to Transform a Business with the 9-Step Digital Transformation Canvas Tool with 10 Case Study Examples of Leading Global and Thai Companies

  • Where to start and what to do to be successful

The Digital Transformation Canvas is a tool used to provide an overview of the strategic thinking and design process of Digital Transformation.

Summary of successful business transformation case studies from 20 companies that have done Digital Transformation in the past 10 years by Harvard Business Review magazine, including leading global and Thai companies such as Netflix, Adobe, Amazon, Ping An, Nestle, Stripe, 23andMe, Meituan, Thailand Post, RS Group

Tools used to explain the overall picture in Digital Transformation. Helping you to strategize and design your own concrete step-by-step business transformation process. Whether the business is large businesses, SMEs or startups

Digital Transformation Canvas helps you transform your business.

Digital Transformation Strategy

Helping you to think and design according to the concept of Digital Transformation to create new growth for your business

Exploring Opportunity

Help find value proposition build capacity and new business models in the future

Team Collaboration

Helping the team think together and recognize the business model that will change from the present to the future in the same direction

Get to know the 9 channels of Digital Transformation Canvas

Part 1: Laying the Groundwork for Transformation

It starts with a genuine look at your own business in preparation from the current base. To a new goal in the digital transformation of business in the future by thinking of new strategies from the existing core business in order to find new value propositions and services including new business models By thinking from Section 1-3 as follows

Section 1 : Define Core Business

Evaluate the current core business with by answering the question Who are we ? and What do we stand for ? and analyze the capabilities of the current organization in all dimensions, including Goal, People, Process, and Technology to compare with the industry, competitors and goals of the organization set in the future

Section 2 : New Value Proposition

Design and present new value propositions for products/services. in order to be able to meet the needs or solve problems of customers on the spot

Section 3 : New Business Model

New business model or model It should be considered both from the side of the source of income such as distribution channels. Building relationships with customers, setting prices, acquiring new customers and markets. and the cost side whether it is an activity or a business process. business partner and various resources including intellectual property, etc.

Part 2: Developing New Digital Capabilities

Digital Transformation It's a digital transformation of your business. by investing in digital transformation technology Especially digital technologies in this era such as AI, Robotics, Blockchain, 3D Printing, IoT (Internet of Things), Drone, AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) that will help businesses have new capabilities in operations. and interactions / creating experiences with customers to transform business from current business model to new business model in the future by thinking from Section 4 - 6 as follows

Section 4 : Existing Digital Capabilities

Assess your current digital capabilities. that has been analyzed from the current core business in Section 1

Section 5 : New Digital Capabilities

Redefining the digital capabilities of future businesses that aligns and supports action on delivering new value propositions in Section 2 and new business models in Section 3

Section 6 : Digital Capability Initiative

Implementation planning and roadmap to build new digital capabilities from present to future. obtained from the thinking process from Section 4-5 to be able to come true

Part 3: Transformation in Action

So that organizations and teams are ready for business changes. Organizational leaders must be leaders in digital competence. is knowing how to use digital technology to transform the organization Leadership in creating change in the organization including changing organizations, processes and business ecosystems or can manage the Digital Transformation within the organization In order for the organization to be ready for the changes in business that will occur from strategic planning according to Section 1-6 by thinking from Section 7-9 as follows

Section 7 : Organisational Transformation

Plan and manage all organizational changes. From organizational structure, work processes, human resources, culture, determine the appropriate indicators tools. and the preparation of technological infrastructure

Section 8 : Agile Strategy and Planning

Strategy and working in the same way Can't answer this problem, so Mindset or new ways of thinking to respond to the world, competition, needs of those involved. and digital technologies that are diverse, complex and rapidly changing This will enable businesses to respond promptly to new challenges and opportunities

Section 9 : Building Collaborative Ecosystem

Build partnerships in the business ecosystem both in the business value chain such as suppliers, distributors, customers and other stakeholders related such as competitors, startups, communities, educational institutions It expands the scope of capabilities that are not limited to what can be done within the organization

A Business Transformation Model for New Growth

Digital Transformation Canvas : NEW EDITION 2022 (Digital Transformation The Series)

A comprehensive strategising toolkit with a step-by-step guide to Digital Transformation and a compilation of case studies from top companies in the world.

Now available at amazon.com